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Silver Bells




Violation of Rule 1,2,7,8,9,20 may be subjected to a fine of Rs. 100. Repetition of violation of the same rules may be subjected to a fine of Rs. 10
Violation of Rule 14 will debar the student from availing bus facilities.
Violation of Rule 17 has to be compensated according to the extent of damage done by the student. It will lead to the following steps:
Parents being called to sign an undertaking.
Strict warning to the offender.
Name being struck off.
The students who violate Rule 19 will be subjected to punishment as the school authority finds proper, according to the article or object found in the possession of the student.
The students who do not abide by Rule 23 and its sub rules, could be punished to the extent of expulsion or suspension as the school authorities finalize after considering the gravity of the act. Cell phones will be confiscated.
Not abiding by Rules 24 and 26 will subject the student to suspension from the class for a day.
Violation of Rule 27 will be subject to punishment, which could be extended to expulsion from the school after considering the gravity of the act.
Students who violate Rule 29 will be suspended from the class for two days or from the school for 7 days after considering the seriousness of the act.
Violation of Rule 30 will be punishable by holding back the student in that very subject, but may be allowed to reappear in the same subject after observing his previous record of exams.
Violation of Rule 33 will be punishable to the extent of rustication or expulsion from the school by giving proper show cause notice to their Guardians or Parents. The decision of the school authorities on the reply of show cause notice will be final.
The students who violate Rule 34 will be subject to punishment of suspension from the class or school after observing the seriousness of the act committed by the student.
  • Breaking or violating any other Rule, the punishment for which is not prescribed here, will be a matter of decision of the school authority after observing the gravity of the conduct and behavior of the student in the past. The punishment indicted will be final.
  • A child who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
  • The school reserves the right to suspend or to take strict disciplinary action against a student whose diligence or progress in studies is constantly unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
  • Roll numbers of the students who do not follow the school rules or behave in an undisciplined manner may be withheld based on the code of conduct issued by the CBSE.
Blue Card: Students habitually late or not properly dressed will be put on this card by the appointments in the break each day, for a week and will not be taken off the Blue Card till an improvement is visible.
Yellow Card: Careless and untidy work in academics leads to the award of a Red Card, which has to be signed by the subject teacher on each day of the week during which the student is on the Red Card. If the progress during the week is satisfactory, the Red Card is discontinued.
Red Card: Serious offences which reflect adversely on a student's conduct e.g. breaking bounds, disobedience, telling lies, indicate the award of a Yellow Card which deprives the offender of availing any privileges in the school for a week. He/she is not allowed to attend any programme, picnic or outing while on a Yellow Card.


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Silver Bells Public School

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Silver Bells Public School


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