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Counselling Cell

The Silver Bells Public  School’s mission is to protect and promote the mental health of all its students, to improve their quality of life and create a learning environment that facilitates their individual development.

A lot of work on this front is being done by the mentors – teachers, coaches and house  parents. In addition, a professional counsellor provides pro-active leadership

  • that engages all stakeholders in the delivery of programmes and services to help students achieve success.The Counsellor deals with problem behaviour, supports the students in a caring way.

  • that increases their self-esteem and resolves concerns that may affect their mental well being through individual and group therapy.



The School’s Adolescence Education Programme aims to empower students with accurate, age appropriate and culturally relevant information and promotes healthy attitudes and develops skills to enable them to respond to real life situations in a positive and responsible way.




Counselling Cell

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