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Our Society

‘Gyan Chetna Educational Society’ was set up to establish Silver Bells Public School with the motto "Educate For Progress", was established  under ‘Society Registration Act-21 , 1860 ’and has been serving the society in the field of education for the last many year.

It has a global vision to redefine the concept of education. The School is opening its door for the first batch of students for session in April, 2015. The School’s unique curriculum is a fusion of the best of the two cultures, i.e. of the best in Indian culture tempered with the best in the Western culture, especially British, thus grooming our students to become truly global citizens. With the newmillennium, a new era has emerged. The present and the future generations of the twenty-first century will have a new attitude, aptitude, demands and challenges. Our aim is to bring about an all round development of students so that they may have courage and confidence and become competent enough to face the challenges and realities of life.




Our Society

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